Wollangambe Wilderness Canyons
All images and text © David Noble. No image or text can be used
for any purpose without permission
Luna Park Canyon
A number of canyons flow into the south branch of Bungleboori Creek
from the south. Luna Park is probably the best of these. It is long
with quite a few abseils.

Four Dope Canyon
This canyon and Dead Tree Canyon flow into Bungleboori South Branch
from the north in its middle reaches. Of the two - this one is better

Above - John Robens abseiling into the canyon

A short way upstream in Bungleboor Creek is this fine arch
Steep Creek
Two canyon tributaries further downstream are Bjelkes Mind and Steep
Creek. Both offer far better canyon experiences than the canyons
further west. Steep Creek has a large number of short abseils down a
slot that gets better the further you go down it.

Bungleboori Creek - North Branch
Compared to its south branch, the north branch of Bungleboori Creek
offers a greater number and more impressive canyons. The main north
branch is also a canyon in its own right.

Above - Canyon high up in one of the small upper tributaries of the
north branch

Hole in the Wall Canyon
This is a very beautiful and photogenic canyon. It is fairly
straightforward to do. There are two sections of canyon separated by a
half hour walk down a nice gorge. The upper constriction, in the Banks
Wall layer of sandstone is particularly fine - deep, dark and very
narrow. So narrow that most swims can be bridged.

Above - the lower constriction starts with a short climb down (or
waterjump) and this short abseil. Below lies a tunnel with a narrow
section. Glow worms can usually be seen. It is easy to climb over the
tunnel from just below the bottom of the abseil, and indeed the abseil
can be bypassed by scrambling on the true left and descending down onto
the top of the tunnel.

Above - John Robens on the second abseil. Below this abseil - is a
very nice section of canyon

Above - Chuin Nee Ooi - at the Hole in the Wall - the creeks
junction with Bungleboori Creek North Branch.
Banks Canyon
This canyon is very close to Hole in the Wall Canyon but joins the
north branch on the other (north) side. It is unusual in that the main
section of canyon is in the upper (Banks Wall formation) layer of
sandstone. This upper constriction has one or two abseils and a few
tricky obstacles and also some swims. The lower part of the canyon -
where the creek cuts through the Burramoko formation - is fairly dull -
two abseils.

Froth and Bubble Canyon
Not a long or technical canyon - but quite attractive

Above - Rob Hynes on the short abseil into the canyon.

Crikey Canyon
Crikey Canyon is one for canyon connoisseurs. It is deep and very dark
and quite sustained. Many of its half a dozen or so abseils, are in a
tunnel section and have tricky starts. It is a wet and cold canyon. It
is probably the best canyon in the northern section of the Wollangambe
Wilderness. Like Bell Creek and Dumbano Creek it is a difficult canyon
to photograph in natural light.

Above - Looking down the first abseil. The tunnel section starts at
the next abseil - in the middle of the photo
Nayook Creek
There are a number of canyons which flow into Nayook Creek and Nayook
Creek itself has a short canyon section. Probably the best of these
tributaries would be Sandy Cave Creek (which also has canyon
tributaries and a long
section of canyon). In the headwaters of Nayook Creek is the easy and
beautiful Deep Pass Canyon.
Deep Pass Canyon
This attractive canyon flows into Nayook Creek at Deep Pass Clearing
(Deep Pass itself is the deep saddle on the ridge to the south). It can
be walked up from the clearing and old logs span any swims.

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Areas -
Southern Grose
Carmarthen Labyrinth
Northern Grose
Bowens Creek
Wollangambe Wilderness - south
(Wollangambe - Dumbano)
South Wolgan
Newnes Plateau - the pagoda canyons
Newnes Area
Glen Davis
Coorongooba Labyrinth
Other Areas