South Wolgan Exploratory Canyoning - Part 2 (1977 - 79)
All photos © David Noble. They cannot be used for any purpose
without permission.
Tigersnake Canyon - 11 September 1977
This canyon was found on a bushwalking trip - with mainly members of
the Ramblers Bushwalking Club. We set off from the Wolgan Valley up
Constance Gorge. On the saturday we explored the area near the Gorge.
On Sunday - we wondered up Deanes Creek and entered the canyon from

Above - Some of the party - Keith Mawell, Rose Adams, ?, Francoise
Maters, Hugh Paterson, Steve McDowell, Bob Sault

Above - Our campcave in Constance Gorge. ? Hugh Paterson, Keith
Maxwell, Francoise Maters, Rose Adams
Hartleys Mistake Canyon - 22 October 1977

Above - Stephanie Davenport finds the water a bit cool in Hartleys
Mistake Canyon

Above - Stephanie Davenport in Hartleys Mistake Canyon

Above - In Hartleys Mistake Canyon - Tom Williams and Stephanie

Above - Around the fire - Rose Adams and Bob Sault

Above - Campsite above Rocky Creek - Rose Adams, Stephanie
Davenport, Tom Williams, Keith Maxwell
Thunderstorm Canyon - 20 November 1977

Above - below the big abseil in Thunderstorm Canyon. Robin Owens (?)

Above - In Thunderstorm Canyon

Above - Bob Sault in Thunderstorm Canyon
Breakfast Creek Canyon - Contradiction Canyon - 26 November 1977
This was a two day exploratory trip. After finding Thunderstrom Canyon
the weekend before we had high hopes for the next tributary downstream.
We chose to go via Galah Mtn - and dropped into a small tributary on
the way across. This was a short canyon that we called Breakfast Creek

Above - The main abseil in Breakfast Creek Canyon
After this we went down Rocky Creek and found a pass out just below the
Thunderstorm junction and used this to access the creek we wished to

Above - View into Rocky Creek gorge from our pass.

Above - Tom Williams and Bob Sault at the top of the pass

Above - In Contradiction Canyon - Tom bridging and Ross Bradstock at
the bottom of an abseil

Above - Tom and Ross

Above - Bob Sault in the canyon
We camped at the Rocky Creek junction and the next morning we climbed
out opposite. There was one section of ropework.

Above - Tom Williams belaying at the top of out route out

Above - Bob Sault on the climb out

Above - Tom Williams looking upstream into Rocky Creek gorge

Above - the view downstream looking towards the Wolgan
Firefly Canyon - December 1979

Above Lyle Closs in the canyon

Above Lyle Closs in the canyon

Above - Jayne Hibbard on an abseil

Above - Abseil

Above - Jayne Hibbard abseiling
Rocky Creek Canyon - circa 1977

On one trip to Rocky Creek canyon we descended into the side gully near
Galah Mtn via these very rickety ladders. The would have been put in by
loggers in earlier times.
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