Colong Caves - 19 - 20 May 2007
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
This trip was organised by Martin Pfeil (SUSS). A group of us went out
to Colong Caves. I was mainly shooting video - but managed to take some
stills as well and here are a selection. The main cave at Colong is
long and very complex and well decorated. I had visited this cave a few
times in the 1970's and had been as far as Woofs Cavern. During the
past few years I had been invited on some trips by Alan Pryke of SUSS.
He has been surveying the cave as part of a project and has a very good
knowledge of the system. On trips with Alan I was shown the low route
to Woofs Cavern - which involves a sump which has been open due to the
recent drought. On one of these trips Alan's survey indicated there
could be a new way into Woofs Cavern and sure enough a new way was
found. It was on these trips that I was able to experience the true
beauty and scope of this vast cave.
On the present trip - only Martin and myself had visited the cave
before. Thanks to Martin for the organisation and obtaining the permit
from the NPWS.

Above - Some of the party at Batsh Camp on the Saturday morning. John, Steffi, Chuin Nee and Digi Dave

Above - A group of bats inside the cave

Above - Shawls in the Axe Chamber

Above - Straws and stalactites

Above - Straws and stalactites

Above - Helictites, Beach Cavern

Above - Stalactites

Above - Stalactites

Above - Helictites

Above - Stalactites

Above - Martin admiring some stalactites

Above - Ellen admiring "The Electrodes" - Far Chamber

Above - Stalactites and straws

Above - Stalactites and straws

Above - Shawls and rim pools

Above - Bell like formation

Above - Bottom of the bell

Above - Hands off! A nice stalagmite
Photos continued on page 2
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