Prospect 100km Loop - 26 August 2012

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Sunday was a nice day to head out on the bike for a ride. My route was almost all off road - and on cycleways. I rode along the Cooks River Cycleway from Dulwich Hill, then up the Cup and saucer Creek Cycleway (part of which was closed - still!) - and then along roads to the M5 Cycleway (through Linear Park). I followed this to Salt Pan Creek and then along a cycleway to Bankstown. Then along roads for about 5km to the cycleway along the Georges River - Chipping Norton area to join up with the Fairfield - Orphan Creek Cycleway to Prospect Reservoir. Then I continued along the aqueduct cycelay to Guildford and then along the Cycleway to Parramatta. A km or two of street cycyling - to join the Parramatta Valley Cycleway to Silverwater Bridge. I crossed the river at the bridge and then went through Blaxland Riverside Park to Newington Armoury and through Homebush Bay to Homebush and picke up the Cooks River Cycleway again which took me all the way home. A map of the ride can be found here.

The whole ride was about 98 km.

I took a camera and grabbed a few shots on the way.

Above - The Cooks River at Dulwich Hill - with the cycleway on the far side

Above - Cup and Saucer Creek Cycleway

Above - Linear Park - the M5 Cycelway

Above - wetlands near Salt Pan Creek

Above - Rules Park

Above - Salt Pan Creek Cycleway

Above - stand of trees near Chipping Norton

Above - Orphan Creek Cycleway

Above - Orphan Creek Cycleway

Above - near the City Farm

Above - on the old water canal Cycleway

Above - Parramatta

Above - wetlands at Homebush Bay

Above - gosling

Above - cycleway at Homebush Bay

Above - Mason Park saltmarsh - Homebush Bay

Above - Factory near the Cooks River Cycleway

Above - late afternoon - the Cooks River at Dulwich Hill

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