Coxs River Packrafting Trip - 9-10 January 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Dan, Rob, John, Dave

Above - walking down to the river from Carlons Farm

Above - Hyacinth Orchid

Above - Inflating the rafts and packing for the river

Above - setting off

Above - Dan

Above - Rob

Above - Red Belly Black Snake

Above - we had to do a very short portage here to cross the fallen

Above - lunch

Above - a typical rapid

Above - Rob

Above - Rob

Above - Rob

Above - Dan

Above - Dan

Above - Dan

Above - Dan

Above - Dan

Above - John

Above - John

Above - We camped at Kanongaroo - at the junction of the Coxs River
and Kanangra Creek. Kanangra Creek is behind the fire.

Above - setting off on day 2

Above - John

Above - packing up at Kelpie Point

Above - The Coxs River
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