
This was a trip organised by members of SUBW during the Christmas holidays of 1989/90. The party was - Bob Sault, Tony Norman, John Atkinson,  and David Noble.

After meeting up at Naroibi - Bob found that his main pack had not arrived. Three of us had flown in from Australia via Bombay. Bob had flown in from USA where he was working. We did a short trip to a visit a volcano a bit out of town.

Above - Climbing around the crater

Above - Bob sitting on the rim of the crater

We then headed to Mt Kenya, where we did a circuit walk around this spectacular peak.

Point John - Mt Kenya

When we got back to Naroibi - we found that Bob's pack had arrived - so it off to Uganda. The first part of the journey was by train. Here the train travels down into the Rift Valley

In Uganda, we travelled by bus to Kampala where we stayed a night.

Above - Some small change - this big pile of notes was about US$100. We needed a special bag to carry the notes around in. You had to count out hundreds of notes just to pay for breakfast.

We then hada long slow bustrip to Kasese where could organise our trip into the Mountaisn of the Moon - the Ruwenzori Mountains. We stocked up at the markets and then got a lift to the trackhead to organsie our guide and porters.

Above - The locals where eager to get work

Above - weighing out some loads

Above - Packing some food and gear.

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