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North Side

This small un-named waterfall is in Burgess Glen (Auburn Glen) just
downstream of where Bruce's Walk crosses the creek.

An old photo of titled "Lawson Cave Falls" was on the wall in Lawson
Library, and bushwalker Brian Fox eventually found a waterfall that
matched the photo. The falls are in Podgers Glen which is crossed on
the old Bruces Walk track. This can be reached from the fire rodd at
the end of Booth Road. Follow Bruces Walk track down to the creek on
the west. and then a short way upstream, on a rough side track, lies
the attractive Lawson Cave Falls (about 5 minutes walk up the right
hand (western) branch of the creek. More information cab e found on
page 4 of The
Bushwalker Vol 38 Number4, Spring 2013.
South Side

Minnatonka Falls are in Red Gum Park. They are not particularly
impressive. But Red Gum Park is well worth a visit.
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