Sassafras Gully - Springwood - Fungi and Slime Moulds - 7
February 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections.
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The photos are continued on Page 2
I was accompanied on this trip by Gemma and Atli.
Above - Sawfly Larvae (spitfires) - the adults of these fertilise
the Large Flying Duck Orchids.
Above - Red Soldier Lichen - Cladonia cristatella
Above - Austroboletus niveus
Above - Bonnet Orchid - Cryptosylis erecta
Above - Bonnet Orchid - Cryptosylis erecta
Above - Slime mould - Fuligo septica
Above - Tremella encephala
Above - Slime mould - Fuligo septica
Above - Tremella encephala
Above - Cyptotrama asprata
Above - Inocephalus virescens
Above - Hygocybe miniata
Above - Hygocybe miniata
Above - Hygocybe miniata
Above - An old bolete
Above - Hymenoscyphus sp
Above - Hymenoscyphus sp
Above - Bolete
Above - Slime mould
Above - Entoloma sp
Above - Gomphus sp
Above - Stinkhorn - Mutinus boninensis
Above - Slime mould
Above - Cyptotrama asprata
Above - Cyptotrama asprata
Above - Slime mould
Above - Slime mould on a leaf
Above - closer up
Above - On the way back, about 3 hours later, we found the same leaf
- and look how the slime mould has changed!
Above - Hygocybe miniata
Above - Hygocybe miniata
Above - Hygocybe sp
Above - Microglossum viride
Above - Microglossum viride
Above - Clavaria zollingeri
Above - Microglossum viride
Above - Geoglossum sp
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