Wolli Creek - Fungi and Orchids - 18 July 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Above - Greenhood Orchid - Pterostylis nutans
Above - the same orchid, but I touched the labellum with a twig and
it flicked into an upward position designed to temporarily trap a
pollinator inside the flower.
Above - A tired old bolete
Above - Laccaria sp
Above - Laccaria sp
Above - Cortinarius phalarus (This is an unusual species of
Cortinarius - since it has a volva (seen clearly here at the base of
the stipe)
Above - Cortinarius phalarus
Above - Blue tongue lizard
Above - Ligustrum lucidum - a weed! (thanks to Joel Cohen
for the id)
Above - Phlebopus marginatus
Above - Earth Star - Geastrum pectinatum
Above - Earth Star - Geastrum pectinatum
Above - Cortinarius rotundisporus
Above - Cortinarius rotundisporus
Above - Descolea recedens
Above - (Old) Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - (Old) Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Earth Star - Geastrum triplex - just opening up
Above - Greenhood Orchid
Above - Gliophorus chromolimoneus
Above - Gliophorus chromolimoneus
Above - Gliophorus chromolimoneus and a slime mould on the
bottom right.
Above - Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Cortinarius sp? Perhaps Cortinarius phalarus?
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