Lane Cove Bushland Park Fungi - 10 June 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here are only amateurish - and I would
appreciate any additions or corrections
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The photos are continued on this
Above - Stereaceae sense lato or a variant
Above - Tiny black button type fungi on a nearby stick
Above - Mycena viscidocruenta (Ruby Bonnet)
Above - Cyptotrama asprata (Gold Tufts)
Above - Clavulinopis sulcata
Above - Hygrocybe reesiae
Above - Trichoglossum hirsutum (Hairy Earth Tongue)
Above - Trichoglossum hirsutum (Hairy Earth Tongue)
Above - Trichoglossum hirsutum (Hairy Earth Tongue)
Above - Camarophyllopsis sp
Above - A tiny Mycena sp
Above - Hygrocybe chromolimonea
Above - Hygrocybe chromolimonea
Above - Hygrocybe chromolimonea
Above - Mycena sp
Above - Moss spores and raindrops
Above - Moss spores and raindrops
Above - Clavulinopis sulcata
Above - Gore Creek
Above - Hygrocybe reesiae
Above - Lycoperdon pyriforme (puffball)
Above - Ramaria lorithamnus
Above - Ramaria lorithamnus
Above - Ramaria lorithamnus
Above - Moss spores and raindrops
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