Lane Cove Bushland Park Fungi and walk to Greenwich and
Wollstonecraft - 2 June 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here are only amateurish - and I would
appreciate any additions or corrections
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Above - Hygrocybe reesiae
Above - Hygrocybe reesiae
Above - Hygrocybe sp
Above - Stereaceae sense lato or a variant (thanks Ray
Kearnley for help with the id)
Above - Trametes versicolor?
Above - Very tiny Mycena sp
Above - Vibrissea dura
Above - Vibrissea dura
Above - Geastrum triplex (Earth Star)
Above - Hypholoma fasciculare
After visiting Lane Cove Bushland Park - I crossed River Road and
continued through Gore Creek Reserve and then followed the Coastal
Walk around Greenwich and Manns Headlands.
Above - I stopped in Shell Park for lunch
Above - Greenwich Baths and the City
Above - Armillaria sp
Above - The City
Above - The City
Above - Boat race?
Above - The City
Above - The City
Above - Goat Island and The City
Above - Goat Island and The City
Above - Goat Island and The City
Above - Berry Island and Gore Cove
Above - A Brush Turkey enjoying some rubbish
Above - The track up Berrys Creek at Gore Cove
Above - An old mine shaft at Gore Cove. This is mentioned in these
historic notes (without any detail)
Above - This was on the end of a decaying log - possibly a slime
Above - Trametes versicolor?
Above - Lycoperdon pyriforme (puffball)
Above - Lycoperdon pyriforme
Above - Lycoperdon pyriforme
From the park it was a short walk to Wollstonecraft Station
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