Central Plateau Walk - Tasmania - December 1980
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
This was walk with Ron Levy, Nick Melhuish and Karen Hayman
Page 1 - Higgs Track - Lake Nameless - Walls of
Above - On the plateau - via Higgs Track, we camped near here.
Above - stormy lighting
Above - Our campsite near Lady Lake
Above - Lady Lake
Above - Karen on the track to Lake Nameless
Above - Ron and Nick near Lake Lucy Long
Above - Getting water, Ron and Nick
Above - At the site of the old Lake Nameless Hut
Above - Karen and Nick at Lake Nameless - and a nice waratah
Above - On Forty Lakes Peak
Above - Tarns on the plateau
Above - Cushion Plants
Above - Pencil Pine skeletons
Above - Dusk
Above - Breaking camp
Above - Karen admires these nice tarns
Above - Approaching the Walls of Jerusalem - the area had been badly
burnt out in a bushfire a long timer earlier. It was as though a
nuclear bomb had been detonated there.
Above - on the side of the Temple - Walls of Jerusalem
Above - Reserve peaks
Above - Mt Jerusalem
Above - Reserve peaks
Above - Pool of Bethesda
Above - Cushion plants
Continue to Page 2 - Walls of Jerusalem
- Lake Meston - Traveller Range - Pine Valley
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