Central Plateau of Tasmania Walk - 15 - 25 January 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission
Page 4 - Lake Adelaide - Lake Meston - Junction Lake - The Never
Never - Windy Ridge
Above - Perhaps Melaluca squamea?
Above - Trigger Plant - Styllidium graminifollum
Above - a nice echidna - Tachyglossus aculeatus
Above - The track between Lake Adelaide and Lake Meston
Above - My camp at Lake Meston
Above - Lake Meston
Above - fresh waxcaps - Hygrocybe firma (group)
Above - My camp at Junction Lake
Above - Junction Lake
Above - Clarke Falls on the Mersey River
Above - The faint pad down the Never Never section of the Mersey
Above - The faint pad down the Never Never section of the Mersey
Above - Feather Falls
Above - Beech Orange Fungi - Cyttaria gunnii
Above - McCoy Falls
Above - McCoy Falls
Above - The Mersey River
Above - The Mersey River
Above - The Mersey River
Above - Hartnett Falls
Above - Greenhood Orchid - Pterostylis scabrida
Above - small stream near Windy Ridge
Above - Slime Mould - Tubifera ferruginosa
Above - The Geryon from Windy Ridge
Above - Mt Massif from Windy Ridge
Above - Walkers watching the sun setting behind The Acropolis at
Bert Nicholls Hut at Windy Ridge
Above - The Geryon - late afternoon
Above - The Geryon and Acropolis
Above - The Geryon - dawn
Above - Hibbertia procumbens
Above - Yellow Throated Honeyeater - Lichenostomos flavicollis
Above - Callistemon viridiflorus
Above - some strange clouds
Above - Hibbertia procumbens and Coral Lichen
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