Central Plateau of Tasmania Walk - 15 - 25 January 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission
Page 2 - Lake Gwendy - Walls of Jerusalem
Above - Pencil Pine Tarn
Above - Richea scoparia and alpine tarn
Above - Lake Tyre with a distant Barn Bluff and Cradle Mountain
Above - Cushion plant mosaic with Alpine Coral-fern (Gleichenia
Above - Cushion plant mosaic with Alpine Coral-fern (Gleichenia
Above - Flarks and Strings
Above - Pencil Pines in the Pool of Bethesda
Above - Scoparia garden at the Walls of Jerusalem
Above - Scoparia garden and Cushion Plants
Above - Whip Snake - Drysdalia coronoides
Above - Scoparia garden at the Walls of Jerusalem - with the West
Wall and King Davids Peak
Above - Lake Salome
Above - Bennetts Wallaby - Macropus rufogriseus
Above - Halls Buttress
Above - Pencil Pines - Athrotaxis cupressoides. This is part
of the largest remaining stand in existence.
Above - Pencil Pines - Athrotaxis cupressoides and scree
Above - Leek Orchid
Above - Richea scoparia, cushion plants and Alpine
Coral-fern (Gleichenia alpina)
Above - Bennetts Wallaby - Macropus rufogriseus
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