Tasmania - Central Plateau Walk 30 December 2019 - 5
January 2020
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 6 of 6
Day 6
Lake Weston - very smokey dawn. The smoke was from bushfires in
Above - Lake Weston
Above - leave Lake Weston - its only an hours walk back to
Lady Lake Hut where I spend the last night.
Above - Welcome Swallow - back at Lady Lake Hut
Above - Richea scoparia
Above - Richea scoparia
Above - Lady Lake - it was very windy!
Above - Richea scoparia
Above - Sky Lily - Herpolirion navae-zelandiae
Above - Bennett's Wallaby
Above - Bennett's Wallaby with joey
Above - Bennett's Wallaby with joey
Above - Tasmanian Scrubwren
Above - Richea scoparia
Above - Tasmanian Waratah - Telopea truncata
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