Tarkine Area - Corrina - Pieman River - Conical Rocks -
Waratah 10 - 12 March 2018
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Wendy, Dave N
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Corrina and the Pieman River

Above - Huon Pine

Above - Slime mould - Fuligo septica

Above - The Fatman Barge too us across the Pieman River

Above - Clavulinopsis sulcata

Above - This native grass is often found with Huon Pines

Above - On the Arcadia II - Pieman River Cruise

Above - Huon Pine (female)

Above - Huon Pine (male)

Above - Pieman River

Above - Sea Eagle

Above - Wendy gets off the Arcadia II. Our plan is to walk down the
coast to Conical Rocks to camp. Then return to Corrina on the cruise
the next day.
Pieman Heads

Above - Four wheel drive and trail bike tracks on the beach

Conical Rocks

Above - ?

Above - Perhaps a Scrubtit


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