Franklin River - Rafting Trip - January 1980
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission
This was a six day trip rafting down the middle Franklin River. It was
organised by the Tasmanian Wilderness Society. It was led by Bob Brown.
This was at the height of the Franklin River campaign. In the party
were a group of film makers - Bob Connolly, Robin Anderson and their
cameraman Gert Kirschner (who were doing a trial run to see what the a
river trip would involve before making their own film of the river), a
liberal politician, an official from the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife
Service, Peter Roberts (The Age science reporter) and photographer Les
O'Rourke, Angus Lindsay (ABC reporter from Melbourne) and Ptortoise
Above - At the Collingwood Bridge
Above - Setting off down the Collingwood River
Above - In rapids
Above - In rapids
Above - Franklin River
Above - Bob Brown
Above - Some of the party - NP official, Robin Anderson, Bob Connolly,
Les O'Rourke
Above - Franklin River
Above - Camp - Robin Anderson, ?, Bob Connolly, Bob Brown
Above - On the river
Above - Les O'Rourke
Above - Dave Noble inspecting a rapid
Above - Peter Roberts and Bob Connolly
Above - Bob Brown
Above - camp
Above - The Irenabyss
Above - Bob Brown
Above - Angus Lindsay and Robin Anderson (?)
Above - Bob Connolly and the NP official
Above - At Fincham - where we left the river
Above - The TWS had a helicopter booked to take us all to Queenstown -
but this one was a rescue chopper - and needed the services of a
doctor. Bob Brown provided his services to put in a dislocated shoulder
of a member of another party of rafters.
Continue to photos taken on
another trip rafting the Franklin River in December 1982
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