All images copyright David Noble. They cannot be used for any purpose without permission.
Party - Rob Hynes, Alex Debono, Dave Noble
Day 1
- Rob's father, who lives near Hobart drove us out to
Farmhouse Creek. That day was walked on the Federation Peak track
over the Picton Bobs saddle to camp on the Cracroft River.
Above - rainforest near the Picton/Bobs Saddle
Above - Federation Peak and Mt Hopetoun
Day 2 - Walked to the west branch of the river and climbed onto Lancasters Lead to camp on the buttongrass just before a wall of scrub below a ridge leading to Mt Hopetoun.
Above - lunch at the Craycroft River
Above - camp at the top of the buttongrass on Lancasters Lead
Above - Looking up Lancasters Lead. Mt Hopetoun.
Day 3
- We donned scrub armour (long pants, gaiters and leather
gloves) and adopted a rigid system of alternating leads through thick
scrub to break out into an open alpine moor for lunch. After lunch
scrub continued - and the route became steeper - with some scrambling
being needed. But in places we were able to pick up signs of an old
faint pad left by a previous party. At about 4pm we arrived on a
large moor near the summit of Mt Hopetoun. As there was a small pool
of water nearby, we decided to camp early. The campsite was very
exposed - but we had excellent views of Federation Peak.
Above - Alex in the scrub!
Above - Federation Peak (it looks different from this angle!)
Above - the top part of ascent ridge was a bit more scrambly
Above - On top of Mt Hopetoun.
Above - High camp on Mt Hopetoun
Above - our camping moor
Above - Dusk, Mt Hopetoun.
Above - Sunset near Federation Peak
Day 4
- Another day of scrub. We traversed the peak towards Pass
Creek and on the way sampled a fair range of Tasmania's botanical
horrors - scoparia, pandani, baura, tea tree, white waratah, cutting
grass and some horizontal scrub. As well we were constantly plagued
by a thick cloud of giant march flies (known as B52's) - which we
would try and kill in new and nasty ways. At one time we broke into a
clearing of button grass - but it was "old man button grass" -
tussocks at least a metre high - which was nearly as bad as the
scrub. We arrive at the Pass Creek campsite, tired and torn at 7:30
Above - dawn
Above - looking ahead
Above - Looking to the Eastern Arthurs - it may be easier to
traverse to Goon Moor?
Above - looking ahead
Above - Federation Peak
Above - We are now at the end of the easy country. Between us and
Pass Creek - mostly very scrubby. slow going
Above - Rob in the buttongrass opening
Day 5 -
Huey gave us a day off. The weather turned foul so we had
a lay day at Pass Creek. During the day we met some climbing friends
of mine, Chris and Helma, who had just come off Federation Peak.
Above - Crags of Andromeda from Pass Creek.
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