Reserve Walk - The Overland Track - January 1980
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission
Party - Col Gibson, Adrian Teague, Dave Noble
This was a standard walk along the Overland Track from South to North -
with a fair bit of time spent in the Pelion area
Above - Mt Olympus from the Cuvier Valley
Above - Mt Byron
Above - Col and Adrian walking through forest on the way to Byron Gap
Above - Crossing the Narcissus River
Above - The Geryon from Windy Ridge
Above - Adrain on the way up Mt Ossa
Above - Col ad Adrian back down on the Overland Track
Above - Barn Bluff from Pelion at dusk
Above - The pinnacle ridge of Mt Oakleigh
Above - Pelion West
Above - The Pinnacle Ridge of Mt Oakleigh
Above - This photo shows our traverse of he next day - from right to
left - Pelion West (on the edge) - Mt Achilles, Mt Thetis. And Mt Ossa
is on the right.
Above - Relaxing back down at Pelion
The next morning we left around 6am for Pelion West
Above - Adrian on the summit of Pelion West
Above - Mt Ossa with Paddys Nut in the foregound
Above - Mt Thetis
Above - Perrins Bluff
Above - Getting water
Above - Pelion West
Above - Leonards Tarn
Above - Mt Oakleigh
Above - Mt Ossa
Above - Mt Ossa
Above - Mt Achilles
Above - Pelion West
Above - Barn Bluff
Above - Back at New Pelion Hut
Above - Adrian and Col
Above - Paddys Nut
Above - Dave at Cirque Hut
Above - Adrian cooking
Above - Cirque Hut
Above - Playing cards at Cirque Hut
Above - Cradle Mountain
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