Tasmania - The Overland Track - 14 - 27 April 2014

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

D'Alton Falls - Fergusson Falls, Hartnett Falls - Du Cane Gap - Windy Ridge (19 - 20 April)

Above - D'Alton Falls

Above - D'Alton Falls

Above - Forest near D'Alton Falls

Above - The Mersey River below D'Alton Falls

Above - The Mersey River then flows through this short ravine

Above - Ramaria botrytis

Above - The Mersey River between Fergusson Falls and D'Alton Falls flows through this short ravine. This photo is taken from a chockstone - that provides an easy passage to the far side. I crossed to get a better view of Fergusson Falls

Above - Fergusson Falls

Above - nearby was a gorgeous patch of tiny Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - looking back at the chockstone I used to cross the Mersey River.

Above - Hygrocybe firma

Above - Laccaria sp

Above - Hypholoma fasciculare

Above - Mycena sp and Clavaria amoena

Above - Hartnett Falls

Above - Hartnett Falls

Above - Hartnett Falls

Above - Aminata muscaria

Above - Coral Fungus - Ramaria capitata

Above - Ramaria anziana

Above - Ramaria Lorithamnus

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Hypholoma fasciculare

Above - Cortinarius austrocinnabarinus

Above - Hypholoma fasciculare

Above - Grifola sp

Above - Aurantiporus pulcherrimus

Above - Cortinarius rozites

Above - Creek near Windy Ridge

Above - Creek near Windy Ridge

Above - Ramaria capitata

Above - Mycena interrupta

Above - the Acropolis covered in mist, viewed from Windy Ridge

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