A Walk in the Reserve - May 1984
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 2 - The Labyrinth - Pelion - Windemere - Cradle Mountain
Above - Frozen Lake Elysia at dawn
Above - sunrise
Above - The Geryon
Above - Frozen pool
Above - An hour or so after snurise a big mist rolled in from the east
We left the Labyrinth and returned to Pine Valley. We then walked to
the Overland Track and headed north to Pelion
Above - Buttongrass
Above - Pelion West from the Pelion Valley
Above - Pelion West
Above - Pinnacle Ridge - Mt Oakleigh
Above - Pinnacle Ridge - Mt Oakleigh
Above - Buttongrass - Pelion Valley
Above - Small stream near Windemere
Above - Near Windemere
Above - Near Windemere
Above - Snowgum near Waterfall Valley
Above - snowgum
Above - Barn Bluff
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