Tasmania - Central Plateau Walk - 14 - 26 April 2008
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
Day 1 - Higgs Track - Lady Lake
We caught a taxi from Deloraine to the start of Higgs Track. This is a
good access route onto the Central Plateau. Deloraine is well served by
buses from Launceston and the local taxi company knows how to get to
the start of the track. In 2008 they have a set fare of $60 to get to
the trackhead. Also the information office at Deloraine sells National
Park passes and topographic maps. The town also has a large supermarket
and a camping/sports store (that may sell fuel?)
Above - The track soon crosses this lively creek
Above - The track climbs steadily (but not too steeply) onto the
plateau. There there is an abrupt change in vegetation from beech
forest to open moorlands with scattered trees. A short distance
away is lady Lake Hut which provides comfortable accomodation. We
started on the track late in the day - so we stayed in the hut the
first night. The late afternoon light was very pleasant.
Above - Chuin Nee enjoying the dusk
Day 2 - Lady Lake to Lake Gwendy
Above - dawn
We left the hut and followed the track to Lake Nameless. From there on
there is no track to follow but it is very easy to walk cross country
through the open moors. The walking and the scenery is delightful.
Above - On earlier trips I had come across these strange pineapple grass formations that I have called "The Rim Lakes"
We continued on to Lake Gwendy - where there is a delightful campsite near the lake. We were treated to another beautiful dusk
Continue to Day 3
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