Blue Mountains - Photo-Pfaffing Weekend - 18-19 August 2012

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

A pleasant weekend spent in the Blue Mts with Digi Dave. We went up to take photos in the bush. The weather was not too kind - wet and cold on Saturday.

Day 1 - Saturday

The photos from Sunday can be found here.

Grose Valley -

Above - in this image can be seen the Mirrorball Pinnacle (on the left - about 1/6 of the way towars the right). Bunny Buckets rock climb goes up the wall just right of centre.

Gardens of Stone National Park -

Above - this was taken at night - using a long exposure and light painting the pagodas with a torch

Above - My Broken-spectre - taken using a torch instead of the Sun.

Continue to Day 2 - Sunday

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