Blue Breaks Walk - Tonalli Mountain and Axehead Mountain - Easter
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Day 2 - Tonalli Mountain - Axehead Mountain - 3 April 2010
Above - morning mist - Byrnes Gap
Above - Chuin Nee photographing the sunrise
Above - Byrnes Gap
Above - breakfast
Above - John on the cliffs of Tonalli Mountain
Above - on the Soap Box
Above - Axehead Mountain from the Soap Box
Above - Looking down into Byrnes Gap at Axehead Mountain, Vengeance
Peninsula and Bull Island Peak
Above - Goanna at Byrnes Gap
Above - traversing Axehead Mountain
Above - rock pool - a handy place to have a drink. Note the aboriginal
sharpening grooves
Above - the skyline traverse involves some enjoyable rock scrambling
Above - double rainbow in the Tonalli Valley
Above - Kowmung country
Above - Axehead Mountain and Kowmung Mountain
Above - Vengeance Peninsula and Bull Island
Above - Toddy Head
Above - Storm over Kanangra
Above - John and Chuin Nee
Above - Admiring the storm
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