Blue Breaks Walk - 24 - 29 September 2011

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Page 2 - Broken Rock Range

Above - climbing up onto Broken Rock Range

Above - Peter and Tim looking along Broken Rock Range

Above - up the last part

Above - Rock formation

Above - a "zawn" type feature on Broken Rock Range

Above - Looking along the range to Lake Burragorang

Above - Cliffs

Above - scattered rock platforms provided refuge from the scrub

Above - looking at the Shoobridge section of the range

Above - Mt Solitary

Above - our scenic campsite on the rim

Above - late afternoon

Above - Lake Burragorang

Above - Tim enjoying the view

Above - Tim and Peter

Above - Medlow Gap

Above - sunset

Above - dusk - Wild Dog Mts, Medlow Gap, Narrow Neck, Mt Solitary

Day 4 - Broken Rock Range - Butchers Creek

Above - morning mist

Above - a glory at the anti-solar point

Above - The distant Krungle Bungle Range - Mts Guouogang, Quouogang and Jenolan

Above - valley mist

Continue to Page 3 - Broken Rock Range and the Kowmung River

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