Blue Gum Forest Walk - 25 May 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Route - Govetts Leap - Junction Rock - Blue Gum Forest and return
the same route
Party - Wendy, Dave
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections. Thanks to Ray and
Elma Kearney for help with the identifications.
Above - Looking down into the Grose Valley from Govetts Leap
Above - Bridal Veil Falls
Above - Wendy admires the view
Above - King Parrot - Alisterus scapularis
Above - From below - Bridal Veil Falls
Above - Hygrocybe miniata
Above - Dermocybe kula
Above - Orchid - Corybas hispidus
Above - Hygrocybe miniata
Above - Lactarius clarkeae
Above - Hygrocybe sp
Above - Hygrocybe anomola var ianthinmarginata
Above - Hygrocybe anomola var ianthinmarginata
Above - Hygrocybe cantherellus
Above - Hygrocybe pseudograminicolor
Above - Hygrocybe anomola var anomola
Above - Hydnum repandum
Above - Hydnum repandum
Above - Hygrocybe anomola var anomola
Above - Clavulina subrugosa
Above - Puffballs - Lycoperdon pyriforme
Above - Puffballs - Lycoperdon pyriforme
Above - Hygrocybe chromolimonea
Above - an exudate - Postia sp
Above - Ramaria lorithamnus
Above - Jelly Babies - Leotia lubrica
Above - Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
Above - Cortinarius archeri
Above - Near Junction Rock
Above - Near Junction Rock
Above - Hygrophorus cheelii
Above - Hygrophorus cheelii
Above - Mycena sp
Above - Xerula gigaspora
Above - Orchid - Caladenia sp
Above - Wendy having lunch at Blue Gum Forest
Above - Blue Gum Forest
Above - Blue Gum Forest
Above - Blue Gum Forest
Above - Clavaria miniata (= Clavulinopsis sulcata)
Above - Clavaria miniata (= Clavulinopsis sulcata)
Above - Cortinarius austrovenetus
Above - Greenhood Orchid
Above - Back at Govetts Leap
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