Centennial Glen - Porters Pass - Blackheath - 21 April 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Digi Dave and myself spent three days in the Blue Mountain -
visiting friends and photographing. On the third day we did a
bushwalk from Centennial Pass, along the Collier Causeway and then
up Porters Pass.
Above - Digi Dave heading down to Centennial Glen
Above - Fort Rock
Above - the track leading down to Centennial Glen
Above - Digi Dave looking at some of the climbs in the Glen
Above - lower down is a small canyon
Above - the site of an old dam - probably used for a swimming hole
Above - continuing down the track
Above - a nice waterfall
Above - looking up at Shipley Upper climbing area
Above - Digi Dave on the Collier Causeway track
Above - sundew
Above - small cascade - Porters Pass
Above - fungi
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