Bobbin Head Walk - 21 July 2013

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Route - North Turramurra - the Sphinx - Cowan Creek - Bobbin Head - Apple Tree Bay - Waratah Bay - Berowra

Above - the Sphinx

Above - smooth barked apple

Above - Cowan Creek

Above - the track

Above - at Bobbin Head

Above - observation platform and boardwalk - on the way to Waratah Bay

Above - old supports in Waratah Bay - part of Windybanks boatshed?

Above - is this part of Windybanks boatshed or the wreck of one of Windybank's houseboats?

Above  creek detail - on the way out to Berowra

Above - the track to Berowra follows an old roadway

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