Bottleneck Pass and the Devils Hole - 29 June 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Above - It was a cold morning!
Above - From the top of Bottleneck Pass - looking down into Megalong
Above - We find an old visitors book - but the container has cracked
open and the book is waterlogged. Bob carried the book and remains
of the container out.
Above - This rock platform marks the top of Bottleneck Pass
Above - The first part of the pass is descending this cleft
Above - Bob on the second of two sections where a handline is useful
Above - the rest of the descent is down the gully - which is rather
log chocked at first and then opens up
Above - In the rainforest I spot this nice Hygrocybe sp
Above - The cliffs of Narrow Neck
Above - Diamond Head
Above - Waling up towards the Devils Hole
Above - At the base of the Devils Hole
Above - Looking back down the Devils Hole
Above - We have lunch on this sunny rock outcrop
Above - During lunch - a drone flies overhead
Above - Narrow Neck
Above - We walk along the Bonnie Doone track to John Britty North
Above - Bob and Rob at the John Britty North Lookout
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