Burramoko Head Walk - 23-24 October 2016

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Above - One of the many Waratahs in flower (Telopea speciosissima)

Above - Orchid - Stegostyla sp

Above - Walkers on Hanging Rock

Above - Cliffs near Liversidge Hill - Grose Valley

Above - One of many Sun Orchids about to flower

Above - Native Iris

Above - Bald Head

Above - Grose Valley Cliffs

Above - Hanging Rock

Above - Hanging Rock and the Grose Valley

Above - The Upper Grose Valley and Mt Banks

Above - Cliffs near Pierces Pass, Rigby Hill and Walls Lookout

Above - Hanging Rock and the Grose Valley

Above - Burramoko Head

Above - Walls Lookout

Above - Bald Head

Above - Mt Banks

Above - Walkers on Burramoko Head

Above - Hanging Rock

Above - Mt Banks and Bald Head

Above - Lights from Sydney

Above - A meteor flashes past Orion

Above - First light on Hanging Rock

Above - Bald Head

Above - Hybanthus monopetalus and spider

Above -  Waratah (Telopea speciosissima)

Above -  Waratah (Telopea speciosissima)

Above - Prostrate Grevillea (Grevillea laurifolia)

Above - Prostrate Grevillea (Grevillea laurifolia)

Above - Orchid - Stegostyla sp

Above - Orchid - Stegostyla sp

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