Donkey Mountain Walk - 13 - 14  May 2016

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Bob, Dave

Above - Looking along Donkey Mountain from the South Western Tower

Above - Pagoda Daisies

Above - Laura, from another party down a chasm on the SW Tower

Above - Bob in the chasm

Above - Donkey Mountain from the next tower

Above - Looking back at the two towers from the main part of Donkey Mountain

Above - Looking down at Laura's party

Above - the summit of Donkey Mountain is this pinnacle. It looks hard to climb.

Above - Bob signing the logbook in the Central Chamber

Above - Laura's party arrives via another passage

Above - Later in the Brass Cannon Chamber

Above - Bob negotiates a tight section

Above - We emerge into the Fernery

Above - The Fernery

Above - Late afternoon

Above - Looking at the South West Towers during the late afternoon

Above - The lights of a holiday farm in the Wolgan Valley

Above - Dawn

Above - The summit pinnacle

Above - The summit pinnacle

Above - Wolgan cliffs

Above - Looking down the Wolgan Valley from the eastern end of Donkey Mountain

Above - Bob enjoys the view

Above - We wander back into the Central Chamber

Above - and then climb down into another chamber

Above - We keep on going through interesting country

Above - A bit tight

Above - weathered stump

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