Dunphy Kowmung Adventure 26 September - 6 October 2014
Stage 1 - Katoomba to Jenolan Caves
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The Launch and Day 1

Above - One of two large maps prepared for the walk.

Above - Dexter Dunphy speaking at the launch at Katoomba

Above - an early view - looking into Nellies Glen

Above - Lizards

Above - orchid (Caladenia fuscata)

Above - on the way to the Six Foot Track

Above - Looking down Nellies Glen from John Britty North Lookout

Above - In Nellies Glen

Above - walkers

Above - Alex Allchin with his Dungal Swag

Above - On the Six Foot Track

Above - Gundungura elder, Aunty Sharyn Halls performed (and
explained) a smoking ceremony at the Old Ford Reserve - Megalong
Valley. This was our first campsite.

Above - Granite boulders in Megalong Creek

Above - Lots of helpers provided a great BBQ for the walkers on the
first evening (Many thanks!!)
Day 2 - Megalong Valley to Black Range

Above - On the Six Foot Track

Above - Michael and Wyn

Above - Jarrah and Megan

Above - a shy red belly black snake

Above - an also shy echidna

Above - The Bowtell Suspension Bridge on the Six Foot Track

Above - Coxs River granite

Above - Sierra and Alex with Willi from the Six Foot Track
Eco-Lodge. She invited the party in for a very welcome cup of

Above - Back on the Six Foot Track - climbing out of the Coxs River

Above - one of many goannas we saw on the walk
Day 3 - Black Range to Jenolan Caves (and then to Hollanders

Above - Camp at Black Range

Above - Jarrah, Megan and Sierra enjoy some baked beans for
breakfast. Myles Dunphy reported in his journal of the walk that he
first had baked beans at this camp and greatly enjoyed them. They
must have been very new to Australia.

Above - Back on the Six Foot Track - Michael, Wyn and Cameron

Above - Resting, while Wyn takes a call from radio station 702

Above - near Jenolan Caves

Above - Alex and Sierra at the Carlotta Arch at Jenolan Caves

Above - Like Myles and Bert, we were welcomed to Jenolan Caves by
the Chief Guide (now Mr Grant Commons). And he also showed us the
way to the path onto our ascent ridge. Before we left we farewelled
some walkers and welcomed some more to our party.
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