Dunphy Kowmung Adventure 26 September - 6 October 2014

Stage 5 - Yerranderie to Wooglemai Environmental Education Centre

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Day 9 - Yerranderie - Wollondilly River - Lake Burragorang

Above - Camp at Yerranderie

Above - Yerranderie Peak at dawn

Above - Yerranderie is a good place to see Kangaroos and Wallabys

Above - the party for stage 5 - Kalang, Milo, Sierra, Alex and Dave

Above - old car at Yerranderie

Above - leaving Yerranderie

Above - old cottage

Above - Walking down to the Wollondilly River, Bonnum Pic behind.

Above - At the ford - Wollondilly River

Above - more road walking

Above - The Wollondilly Arm of Lake Burragorang. We had special permission from the Sydney Catchment Authority to walk in this restricted area. We met rangers from the Catchment Authority several times (and NPWS rangers).

Above - Kalang on the road. It was about 50 kms from Yerranderie to Wooglemai. We did about 30 kms the first day of the stage.

Above - Sierra and Alex enjoy the views

Day 10 - Lake Burragorang - Nattai Arm -Sheehys Ck - Wooglemai

Above - Our camp

Above - dawn - Lake Burragorang. Tonalli Peak on the left.

Above - We met some Sydney Catchment Authority rangers - and they gave us two bags of fruit. This was very nice. We sat on this rock enjoying the fruit and the view.

Above - Orchids - Tongue Orchid (Dendrobium linguiforme) Thanks Roger Lembit for the id.

Above - Crossing the Nattai Arm of Lake Burragorang

NPWS Rangers escorted us part of the dangerous road up Sheehys Creek and we soon arrived to a great welcome at Wooglemai

Above - We help Wyn set up a huge "gum leaf"

We enjoyed great hospitality at Wooglemai - thanks to the Catholic Bushwalkers. Also thanks to the Picton Rotary Club for a great BBQ.

Above - the Giant Leaf in the moonlight.

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