Springwood to Blaxland Walk - 13 August 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Route - Springwood - Fairy Dell - Magdala Falls - Glenbrook Creek -
Perch Ponds - Psalm Rock - Kings Link Track - Bunyan Lookout - St
Helena Track - Bullant Track - Glenbrook Creek - Pippas Pass -
This was an afternoon walk from Springwood to Blaxland.
Above - A small waterfall in Fairy Dell - dry!
Above - Fern
Above - Hibbertia sp
Above - Magdala Ck
Above - Dracophyllum secundum
Above - Discinella terrestris
Above - Looking up at the cross on Lost World Lookout. In this photo
- it looks like there are some letters carved into the rock just
under the cross. Perhaps an ilusion?
Above - Campsite near the turn-off to Martins Lookout
Above - Glenbrook Creek - boulders and watergums
Above - Glenbrook Creek. I went downstream about 100 m from the
Kings Link Track crossing spot to Psalm Rock
Above - Psalm Rock - the words of the 23rd Psalm carved into the
rock - a long time ago.
Above - Glenbrook Creek
Above - view of the gorge from near Bunyan Lookout
Above - View from Bunyan Lookout
Above - View from Bunyan Lookout
Above - View from Bunyan Lookout
Above - I walked to this point on the St Helena Track. Here the
Bullant Track turns off and goes along a side ridge to Glenbrook
Above - The Bullant Track descending to Glenbrook Creek
Above - Glenbrook Creek
Above - Nice trees in Pippas Pass
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