Easter Walk - Blue Gum Forest - Grose River - Y Creek - Boorong Crags - Mt Hay - 3 - 6 April 2015

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

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Party - Keith, Wendy, Alex, Dave

Thanks to Keith Muir for organising this walk. Our original plan was to walk down the Grose River from Blue Gum Forest to Faulconbridge Point and then exit to Faulconbridge or Springwood. However, we had a lot of rain on the first night and during the second day - putting the Grose River in flood, and we thought it unwise to continue, so we climbed out at Y Creek (Shaws Gully, Byles Pass) and then traversed to Mt Hay via Boorong Crags. Thanks to Wyn Jones for picking us up at the Mt Hay carpark (and for driving us out to Perrys Lookdown at the start).

Day 1

Above - We set of from Perrys Lookdown

Above - Descending

Above - Blue Gum Forest

Above - Wendy crossing Govetts Creek

Above - Keith leads the way down the Grose River

Above - The Grose River

Above - Nice open flats and Blue Gums near Walford Creek junction

Above - The Grose River

Above - The cliffs tower above

Above - At Rocky Points Ravine junction

Above - The Grose River

Above - A very dimpled Angophora

Above - A lot of the going is on scrubby banks

Above - The Grose River at our campsite. We camped on a terrace above the river. We were about 1.5 kms upstream from Shaws Gully.

Day 2

Above - our campsite after a very wet night. It rained all night and till late in the afternoon on the second day. We decided to stay put.

Above - The Grose River - up about 1.5 metres

Above - Alex inspects the river

Above - At our campsite.

Day 3

Above - The Grose River - down a bit, and its a nice sunny day!

Above - This waterfall was much bigger the day before. One of many along the cliffs.

Above - Austroboletus novaezelandiae

Above - We stop for a break above the cliffline at Y Creek (Shaws Gully - Byles Pass)

Above - On the ridge - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Plenty of water is available from rock pools

Above - The weather looks a little stormy

Above - Wendy and Alex on the ridge

Above - Boorong Crags and Mt Hay

Above - Alex looks back and spots some "bendy" rain

Above - Mt Dixon and Garrard Gulch on the other side of the Grose River

Above - Mt Caley and the Grose River

Above - Zobel Crevasse

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