Kings Tableland - The Goat Track - Kedumba Pinnacles - 7 September 2017

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Bob, Dave

Above - The Jamison Valley and Mt Solitary from Sunset Rock Lookout. Our goal, to visit three pinnacles (which we called the "Kedumba Pinnacles") lie not far beflow this lookout.

Above - Bob at Sunset Rock Lookout

Above - Some visitors believe in leaving a deep impression

Above - Lion Head

Above - This is a crop of the previous photo, showing another detached pinnacle below the transmission lines.

Above - Kedumba Pass and Lion Head. The Goat Track is an old pass that was used before Kedumba Pass was blasted out of the cliffs. It more or less follows the skyline at the edge of the shadow at Kedumba Pass.

Above - Blue Mountains Ash (Eucalyptus oriedes)

Above - At the Cleary Memorial Lookout at the top of Kedumba Pass

Above - From the top of Kedumba Pass, we could see the three pinnacles.

Above - Bob on the Goat Track

Above - A bit steeper here - but never really hard or dangerous.

Above - Here you can see the old track formation

Above - Rock Orchid

Above - Nice trees below Kedumba Pass

Above - Blue Gum (Eucalyptus deanei)

Above - Bob on the old sewerage road

Above - early Waratahs

Above - Blue Gum (Eucalyptus deanei) with Red Triangle Slug trails (they graze on algae on the bark)

Above - Sublime Point in the distance

Above - We were heading up here

Above - Above the lower pinnacle. It is about 10 m.

Above - The middle pinnacle. It is about 20 m high. It can perhaps be climbed by crossing the chockstone.

Above - The upper pinnacle, about 30 m high.

Above - A clearer view of the middle pinnacle from near the top of the chockstone level

Above - More pinnacles - The Three Sisters

Above - Orchid - Diuris sp

Above - Brown Beak Orchid - Lyperanthus suaveolens

Above - Brown Beak Orchid - Lyperanthus suaveolens

Above - Orchid - Diuris sp

Above - Orchid - Caladenia sp

Above - Grevillea sp

Above - Orchid - Caladenia sp

Above - Orchid - Caladenia sp

Above - Looking up at the upper pinnacle

Above - Hibbertia sp

Above - Greenhood Orchid - Pterostylis nutans

Above - Greenhood Orchid - Pterostylis longifolia

Above - Greenhood Orchid - Pterostylis longifolia

Above - The Kedumba Pinnacles from the top of Kedumba Pass

Above - Mt Solitary and The Jamison Valley

Above - Relics - part of the old telephone wire going down to the valley

Above - The Three Sisters

Above - Rock formation near the Microwave Relay Tower

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