Kowmung River Walk - 15 - 16 February 2014

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Sarah, Dan, Rachel, Gabe, Sharon, Rik, Dave N

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We were originally intending to do a fairly long canyon trip - but the weather forecast was not that good (rain) - so after meeting up at Blackheath, we isnead headed out to Kanangra Walls for a walk.

Route - Kanangra Walls - Bullhead Range - Cambage Spire - Kowumng River - Bulga Denis Canyon - Orange Bluff (camp) - Kowmung River - Roots Range - Gingra Range - Kanangra Walls

Above - heading out from the Walls - pretty misty

Above - Rik looks for the view on Kanangra Walls

Above - Sharon was our navigatrix

Above - on the Bullhead Range

Above - snakeskin

Above - Kowmung River - no flow! Very dry conditions.

Above - there was water in places

Above - this pool was a nice place for a swim

Above - light rain was falling

Above - Dan spotted this nest

Above - river cobbles

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