La Perouse Walk - 19 October 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Chuin Nee, Jasper, Dave
This was a short walk from La Perouse thrugh Btany Bay National Park
to Cape Banks and return. On this day - most national Parks were
closed due to bushfires.
Above - Chuin Nee and Jasper
Above - Jasper makes his own way
Above - Bare Island and Kurnell
Above - Kunzea
Above - time for Jasper to have a snack
Above - old fortifications at Henry Head
Above - at Henry Head
Above - cliffs
Above - heath
Above - on the path to Cape Banks
Above - barnacles
Above - a great campsite? Its certainly very level.
Above - wreck of the Minmi (1937) on Cape Banks
Above - a nice rock platform on Cape Banks
Above - honeycomb weathering - Cape Banks
Above - Jasper has a paddle
Above - time for mummy to have a feed
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