Waterfall Walk at Lawson - 7 January 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Bob, Dave
We first visited the waterfalls on the north side of the town -
along the Empire Pass Track, then we headed to the south side. After
lunch we completed the loop from Honour Avenue.
Above - one of many hyacinth orchids near the start of the track. Dipodium
Above - Dipodium roseum
Above - Dipodium roseum
Above - Christmas Bell - Blandfordia cunninghamii
Above - Fairy Falls
Above - Fairy Falls
Above - Fairy Falls
Above - the falls in Dantes Glen
Above - the falls in Dantes Glen
Above - St Michaels Falls
Above - Bob admiring the falls in Lucys Glen
Above - the falls in Lucys Glen
Above - the falls in Lucys Glen
Above - the falls in Lucys Glen
Above - the falls in Lucys Glen
Above - the creek near Lucys Glen
Above - the creek near Lucys Glen
Above - Frederica Falls
Above - Bonnet Orchid - Crypostylis erecta
Above - Bonnet Orchid - Crypostylis erecta
Above - Bonnet Orchid - Crypostylis erecta
Above - Bonnet Orchid - Crypostylis erecta
Above - Adelina Falls
Above - Adelina Falls
Above - quite a large yabbie
Above - Junction Falls on Ridge Creek
Above - Junction Falls on Ridge Creek
Above - Junction Falls on Ridge Creek
Above - Junction Falls on Ridge Creek
Above - Junction Falls on Ridge Creek
Above - Junction Falls on Ridge Creek
Above - Junction Falls on Lawson Creek
Above - Federal Falls
Above - Federal Falls
Above - Cataract Falls
Above - Cataract Falls
Above - Cataract Falls
Above - Bonnet Orchid - Crypostylis erecta
Above - Large Tongue Orchid - Crypostylis subulata
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