Lockleys Pylon - Blue Gum Forest Walk - 27-28 October 2012
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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Party - Su Li, Martin, Albert, Col, Mark, Disco Stu, Rik, Wendy,
It was Su Li's birthday - and she organised a trip down to Blue Gum
Forest via Lockleys Pylon. The wildflowers on the walk were
particularly striking.
Thanks to Roger Lembit for help with the flower identification.
Above - Dillwynia elegans
Above - on a nice rock formation
Abive - heading out to Lockleys Pylon
Above - climbing Lockleys Pylon
Above - on Lockleys Pylon
Above - Grose cliffs
Above - the party on Lockleys Pylon
Above - Grevillea sericea
Above - waterfall at the end of Fortress Creek Canyon
Above - Mark looking down the Grose Valley
Above - an unusual
white Fringe Lily (Thysanotus tuberosus).
The next day, on the way out - we went looking for the white flowers
again - without succes. There were lots (hundreds) of purple fringe
lilies around in the nearby heath (see later photos). The flowers
only last one day.
Above - Thelionema caespitosum
Above - this skink lived near our lunch spot and was looking for
Above - The Du Faur Buttress leading down to Blue Gum Forest
Above - At Blue Gum Forest - the mighty wall of Mt Banks and Govetts
Above - Blue Gum Forest (Eucalyptus
Above - the cliffs of Mt Banks
Above - our camp at Acacia Flat
Above - Blue Gum Forest (on Sunday morning)
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