Mt Banks and Mt Wilson Walks - 5 December 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Two short walks in the Blue Mountains, with friends John and Chuin
Nee and their young sons, Jasper and Sebastian.
Mt Banks

Above - Fringe lily - Thysanotus tuberosus

Above - Looking into the Grose Valley

Above - Chuin Nee and Sebastian

Above - King George Trip on Mt Banks - Chuin Nee, with Sebastian and

Above - John and Jasper admire the Grose Valley

Above - Flannel Flowers - Actinotus helianthi

Above - Horned orchid - Orthoceras strictum

Above - Horned orchid - Orthoceras strictum
Mt Wilson
We completed the Waterfall Walk

Above - Eyelash Cup Fungi - Scutellinia scutellata

Above - Eyelash Cup Fungi - Scutellinia scutellata

Above - Gymnopilus junonius

Above - Gymnopilus junonius

Above - Dogs Vomit slime mould - Fuligo septica

Above - A native daisy - Brachycome graminea perhaps?

Above - At our campsite at Mt Wilson - Rik, Don, Jasper, John (with
Sebastian) and Chuin Nee
The next day we joined a large group
heading out to the Wollangambe River to help clean up some of the
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