Mootik Plateau - Mt Colong Walk - Anzac Long Weekend - 24 - 26 April 2010

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purposee without permission

Day 3 - Mt Colong - Batsh Camp

Above - dawn - a maze of peaks in the Blue Breaks - Tonalli Mountain, Axehead Mounatin and Broken Rock Range

Above - Kowmung Country - Cambage Spire prominent in the middle

Above - the Soapbox and Axehead Mountain

See Explanation.
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Above - place your mouse within the image to see the names of the features

Above - breakfast

Above - breakfast juice? no - just water (boiled)

Above - hmmm.....tastes like....

Above - Martin on the way to the top

Above - view East

Above - descending Mt Colongt to the causeway

Above - Kowmung Country

Above - Stacey on the scree

Above - fungi on a poo

Above - lunch back at Batsh Camp

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