Mt Solitary Walk - 13 - 15 April 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 2 of 3
The photos are continued from page 1
and continue on page 3
On the second day - I moved my camp from Singa-Jingawell Creek back
to the head of Chinamans Gully. Both of these creeks provided good
water. On the afternoon I walked out to Greenfields Lookout. I had
never been oiut that way before. It wasn't far - but it was a bit
scrubby in places.
Above - on the way out to Greenfields Lookout - I found this old
hermits cave - it had a fireplace, a level area, lots of plastic
bottles of water and some pots and pans and other bits and pieces.
Above - view south from Greenfields Lookout. There was no good
viewing platform.
Above - perhaps the lookout is on the point a bit to the west?
Above - a nice rock formation above the hermits cave
Above - the summit of Mt Solitary
Above - Castle Head and the Ruined Castle
Above - view south from Melvilles Lookout - a good place to sit and
enjoy some wine and cheese.
Above - Mt Mouin in the Wild Dog Mountains (and transmission line
Above - looking towards Lake Burragorang and the Blue Breaks
Above - Korrowall Buttress - the southern ridge of Mt Solitary
Above - the Milky Way and Magallenic Clouds
Above - a hazy dawn
Above - the southern cliffline
Above - the northern cliffline
Above - the Ruined Castle
Above - the sun hits Castle Head
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