Pterodactyl Cave and a Short Canyon  - 16 November 2016

(and a visit to the cliffs of Medlow Bath to see a recent landslide)

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Bob, Dave

Above - The Pterodactyl Cave

Above - The Pterodactyl Cave

Above - Leptospermum polygalifolium (thanks to Roger Lembit for the id)

Above - Bob explores a ledge

Above - The cave is used as a climbing area

Above - Waratahs (Telopea speciosissima)

Above - Some  sort of monitoring device for underground coal mines

Above - Canyon formation

Above - Looking down at the canyon

Above - Pagoda Daisies (Leucochrysum graminifolium)

Above - Thelionema caespitosum

Above - Part of a survey for the coal mine?

Above - Leptospermum sp

Above - Marker for a transect?

Above - Boronia sp

Above - Waratahs (Telopea speciosissima)

Above - Waratahs (Telopea speciosissima)

Above - Waratahs (Telopea speciosissima)

Above - Grevillea laurifolia

Above - Aboriginal art?

Above - Aboriginal well?

Above - Aboriginal wells and sharpening grooves

Above - One of a number of horses that have been dumped on the Newnes Plateau

Above - a recent landslide (around 9 October 2016) below the Hydro Majestic Hotel at Medlow Bath. It looks like it may have destroyed the Coliseum.

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