Red Rocks Walk - 25 - 26 September 2010

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Page 1 - The walk in

Above - leaving Newnes

Above - stopping for a snack - trying some native currant (Leptomeria acida)

Above - Wendy prefers some chocolate from Dave "The Candyman"

Above - Rob and Rik heading up to the tops

Above - nearby cliffs

Above - Dillwynia elegans

Above - Ricinocarpus pinifolius with a small preying mantis

Above - enjoying the view

Above - Wendy enjoys a snooze....zzzz.....

Above - Dillwynia elegans

Above - Wendy enjoys playing a computer game

Above - enjoying the view from the top of a pagoda

Above - pinnacle

Above - pagodas

Above - looking to the Red Rocks

Above - John climbing up a pagoda

Above - pedastal

Above - bad!! broken rock formations. Probably caused by careless bushwalkers.

Above - a deep crack

Above - hole

Above - pagoda daisy - Leucochrysum graminifolium

Above - the steep descent off the "Pagoda of Death"

Above - descending the "Pagoda of Death"

Above - rock formations

Above - gnarled stick

Above - scrambling

Above - waiting in a saddle for the party to re-group

Above - rock formation

Above - rock formation

Above - we arrive at the campsite and enjoy fine views from "The Balcony"

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