Royal National Park - Photo Essay - October 2015

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

I went on a walk in the northern part of Royal National Park along the coastal track from Bundeena to not far south of Marley Beach. My aim was to photograph some nice wind eroded sandstone features.

Above - Fringe Lilies - Thysanotus tuberosus

Above - The coastal cliffs from The Balconies

Above - Flannel Flowers - Actinotus helianthi

Above - Pink Swamp Heath - Sprengelia incarnata

Above - Instagram Rock

Above - Instagram Rock

Above - Jacky Dragon - Amphibolurus muricatus

Above - A coastal runner takes a rest and admires the view near Marley Beach

Above - Swimmers - Marley Beach

Above - Trail bike tracks - Marley Lagoon

Above - Marley Beach

Above - Little Marley Beach

Above - The lagoon at Little Marley

Above - Little Marley Beach

The area south of here has  some nice rock patterns. I had to wait a while for the light to be good for photography however.  It was unbelievable that in an area as beautiful as this that some idiots had carved their initials into the soft sandstone. A great shame!

Above - Footprints in the sand - Marley Beach

Above - Little Wattlebird - Anthochaera chrysoptera

Above - Slender Yellow-eye - Xyrus bracteata

Above - Long line fishermen

Above - New Holland Honeyeater - Phylidonyris novaehollandiae

Above - I think these honeyeaters must feed on insects in flight as well as nectar

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