Nattai Walk - Starlights Trail - 15 - 16 July 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Martin' Keith, John, Chuin Nee, Jasper, Sebastian, Wendy,
Don, Elata, Michael, Digi Dave, Su Li, Brent, Enmoore, Dave
Above - Looking down into the Nattai Gorge
above - Mt Jellore
Above - Hardenbergia violacea
Above - Wendy in a hollow rock
Above - Greenhood Orchid - Pterostylis longifolia (tanks to
Greg Steenbeeke for the id)
Above - Wendy on Starlights Trail
Above - the campsite on the Nattai River
Above - Not the river - but a billabong formed after the floods
of April 2015
Above - Ahearns Lookout is at the top of this cliff
Above - Flood damage
Above - Seby's birthday cake is a Digger Cake (Seby has an obsession
for diggers)
Above - Time to blow out the cadles
Above - Now its Wendy's turn
Above - Next morning, Wendy reads Jasper a story
Above - Then Jasper reads to the story to his mum
Above - the old oven near the campsite
Above - heading out
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