Canyon 6 - 31 December 2006

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

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On the last day of the trip - we headed into this nice canyon. Carrying full packs made the going a bit slow and tricky.

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation - most of us managed to avoid a swim by climbing around on the left hand wall

Above - canyon formation

Above - John R abseiling

Above - canyon formation

Above - in the canyon - Dave F wading, John M bridging and Don watching

Above - Rik looks down the next abseil

Above - Chuin Nee abseiling

Above - Chuin Nee bridging

Above - enjoying some sun

Above - the next section of the creek had a small stand of these strange coachwoods - they all elliptical spaped trunks and unusual banding

Above - in the lower gorge

Above - weathered sandstone

Above - a tricky downclimb

Above - another tricky downclimb

Continue to the walk out creek

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