Boxing Day Canyoning Trip - 26 - 28 December 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Wendy, Dave
We spent three very enjoyable days canyoning in the Northern Blue
Mountains. The weather was quite cool - so we visited fairy dry
canyons on each day.
Day 2 - Pagodas, Canyons, Glow Worms and Beetles
Above - Rock formations on top of the pagodas
Above - Wendy admires the view
Above - Lots of pagodas
Above - the rock formations are very delicate. To visit these places
you have to be extremely careful to avoid breaking the brittle rock.
Canyon 1
Above - Wendy about to abseil into the canyon
Above - Beautiful in the canyon!
Above - Wendy on the second abseil
Glow Worms at the Glow Worm Tunnel
Above - A lot of people were visiting the tunnel - most walked
straight past with their torches fully on. The missed the glow
Canyon 2
Above - Wendy looking down the final drop in this canyon. We had
intended to climb down this canyon and then explore another nearby
one from the bottom. However we were stopped by this drop. It used
to be easy to climb up and down. Something has changed making it
much harder.
Above - A huge mass of ants. Perhaps moving nest?
Back at Camp at the Dry Canyon
Above - Plague Soldier Beetles - Chauliognathus lugubris.
These often appear in huge numbers - mainly to mate. See this
Above - this centipede climbed out of the fireplace
Above - Our campsite. This cave was handy to shelter in when it
Above - Hyacinth Orchid - Dipodium roseum
Above - Masses of the Plague Soldier Beetles in the tea tree
Above - Hyacinth Orchid - Dipodium punctatum
Above - Hyacinth Orchid - Dipodium punctatum
Above - Hyacinth Orchid - Dipodium punctatum
Above - Omphalina umbellifera
Above - Metallic Jewel Bug - Scutiphora pedicellata. Quite a
few of these were about and seemed to be attracted to the Plague
Soldier Beetles.
Above - Metallic Jewel Bug - Scutiphora pedicellata
Continue to Day 3 - Crooked Crevice and
Tigersnake Canyons
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