Dalpura Canyon - Dargan Arch - The Catacombs - 21 January 2015

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Bob, Doug, Dave

Above - at the start of the canyon we found a nice grove of pink flannel flowers (Actinotus forsythii)

Above - Bob on the abseil

Above - Doug on the abseil

Above - beautiful canyon formation here

Above - lower down the creek

Above - canyon formation

Above - cliffs at the Grose Valley

Above - nice pagodas on the walk out

Above - Fringe Lilly (Thysanotus tuberosus)

Above - Goodenia bellidifolia (Thanks to Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Xyris sp

Above - Drosera spatulata

Above - a nice small orchid - only about 5 cm tall with flowers less than 2 mm long. Perhaps Genoplesium eriochilum (Corunastylis eriochila) - the Mt Wilson Midge Orchid?

Above - Hybanthus monopetalus

Dargan Arch

Above - Bob and Doug on the arch

Above - Having a look at some rock climbs in a cave nearby

The Catacombs

Above - The Catacombs - an old quarry in the Upper Mountains

Above - Leptospermum polygalifolium infected by galls (Thanks Roger Lembit for the id)

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